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Meet the Judges.

Sunny: Hello! As you know, I'm Sunny. I suppose I'm the "founder" of this contest channel, since I suggested the idea. You can find me on YouTube under the username SunnySmile2413. I've been editing since, hmmm, 2010, I believe! :) I like Doctor Who, Merlin, Legend of the Seeker, the Vampire Diaries, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, and so many other shows! I also really love to edit!


Jackie: Hey, so I'm Jackie. :) I'm not the best editor and I don't have a YouTube other than MagicalViddingTourn, but I do enjoy editing with Sunny every now and then! :D She keeps trying to teach me, but Sony Vegas seems too complicated, lol! But I'll be sure to let you all know when I do get one!


Alex: Alex here! K, I am not much of a writer, so why don't we keep this short and simple. ;) I love editing, and I believe I do well with it *coughunlikeahemjackiecough* but I'm not much of one to share my work. Don't even try it, Sunny! But I love you all! ♥


Mel: Hello my name is Mel. I've been editing since January 2009 & I've been watching Doctor Who for almost 7 years. I'm really excited to be a judge for a contest dedicated to this show because I love it SO MUCH! I'M A TOTAL WHOVIAN & PROUD OF IT! ♥ You can find me as xSkullgirl808 on YouTube. :)

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